On November 2nd, 2021, U.S Senator Ron Johnson held a discussion panel and invited medical researchers and doctors who specifically had experience with treating COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are currently researching the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, patients who have experienced adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccine and the mandates surrounding the vaccine. Senator Ron Johnson spoke to his advocacy about recognizing natural immunity, the impact of vaccine mandates and the lack of transparency from federal health agencies in response to COVID-19.
Secretary Becerra, NIAID Director Fauci, NIH Director Collins, together with the CEOs of Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech to the discussion pannel. Unfortunately, but not to his surprise, none of them showed up. With a topic this important and with peoples lives at risk, it's surreal to see the lack of care and empathy from U.S medical officials.
During the discussion pannel, Sen. Johnson highlighted how policy makers in the U.S are ignoring natural immunity. Sen. Johnson said "Why would we force a vaccine that is not as effective that we all hoped? Why would we force that on people with natural immunity? Where the science tells us those with natural immunity probably have better immunity than those full vaccinated. Another reality that our policy makers are denying is that the vaccine prevents transmission, presents infection. It is obvious they are not. So again, if you are vaccinated, you can still transmit. What is the rational for the mandates? There is no rational.”